Louisiana State University
School of Architecture

Louisiana State University is a Research I institution and Louisiana's only comprehensive university. The University enrolls 31,000 students from 48 states and over 120 foreign countries. The distinctive campus is designed in an Italian Renaissance domestic-style, its buildings surrounding quadrangles linked by arcades. The School of Architecture is in the College of Art and Design, which offers degree programs in architecture, landscape architecture, interior design, graphic design, and the fine arts.
School Philosophy
The rich cultural heritage and physical setting of Louisiana and the Lower Mississippi Delta region provides an invaluable resource for the study of architecture. An investigation of this shifting and fluid context results in the construction of useful frameworks for grasping architectural issues that can have both local and global import. Accordingly, the School's most valuable resource is our context. By making this resource central to our endeavors, graduates are set on a course toward professional leadership in the Gulf South, nationally, and globally.

Undergraduate Program: The undergraduate program is a five-year, 162 credit baccalaureate degree program divided into two distinct phases of study, each contributing to the construction of a professional student. The first phase concentrates on introducing the beginning student to the variety of opportunities in the design professions, as well as developing their design and form making abilities. These investigations are conducted in design studios where students are asked to make inquiries into physical phenomena and distinctive sites. In the upper division of the undergraduate curriculum, students integrate the technical and poetic through investigations of architectural projects and settlement patterns. In the last phase of the curriculum, students conduct in-depth study on research topics of their own choosing and through a comprehensive design project. society. Graduate Program: The Master of Architecture degree in architecture is a professional degree program dedicated to the development of professional skills and design excellence as a means of engaging the natural and cultural forces that shape the built environment. The program emphasizes inquiry into the role of design in built and natural environment and the relationship of these to the conceptual and physical assembly of buildings. Investigation of the remarkable diversity of urban and rural landscapes of Louisiana and the Lower Mississippi Delta Region provides a local context for informed studies that lead to engagement with broader regional and global concerns.

of Focus
1. Art & Design
2. Community Design
3. Design/Build
4. Digital Fabrication & Technology
5. History | Theory | Criticism



Transfer Policies
Transfer to LSU
A transfer student is any student who has graduated from high school and attempted college coursework after graduation.
Step 1: Complete the Online Application
*Select “Transfer Student” at the top when creating an account and search for “Louisiana State University”
Step 2: Send your Official Transcripts
Step 3: Submit your Official High School Transcript and Test Scores
For more detailed information click here: (https://sites01.lsu.edu/wp/admissions/become-a-tiger-2/transfer-students/transfer-to-lsu/)