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  • Address
    8432 Magnolia Ave
    Riverside, CA, 92504
    United States
  • Architecture Degrees

    Pre-professional Architecture Degrees (Undergraduate)

    B.A. Architecture

    Professional Architecture Degrees (Graduate)

    Master of Architecture (M.Arch.)
  • Tuition

    Undergrad Tuition – In State

    $31,500 - $36,500

    Undergrad Tuition – Out of State

    $31,500 - $36,500

    Graduate Tuition – In State

    $31,500 - $36,500

    Graduate Tuition – Out of State

    $31,500 - $36,500

California Baptist University

College of Architecture, Visual Arts & Design

The mission of CBU Architecture is to develop architects who demonstrate professional excellence and personal integrity, are servant leaders in their communities, and who live biblically based, missional lives within the profession.


California Baptist University believes each person has been created for a purpose. CBU helps students understand and engage this purpose by providing a Christ-centered educational experience that integrates academics with spiritual and social development opportunities. Graduates are challenged to become individuals whose skills, integrity and sense of purpose glorify God and distinguish them in the workplace and in the world. The University seeks to provide academic programs that prepare students for professional careers, as well as co-curricular programs that foster an environment supporting the intellectual, physical, social and spiritual development of each student.

School Philosophy

CBU Architecture is founded on a deep desire to create a program that approaches architectural education in a different, relevant way that will prepare our graduates for the new and ever evolving world that will await them when they graduate. At the core of how we think about architectural education, and as a result, everything we have done to develop our program, are three foundational ideas to Think Christianly, to See Differently and to help every student understand how to Live Your Purpose.


CBU Architecture education is based on the following 8 values: (1) Design Thinking: The program starts with a foundation of interdisciplinary, collaborative Design Thinking that stresses the importance and the skills of generating, developing and communicating ideas. (2) Visual Communication: We stress the importance of understanding software and technology as simply ever-evolving tools that are all based on the same principles of developing and communicating ideas. We teach these principles through a lot of sketching and hand drawing because our intent is not to teach a temporal skill, but to teach eternal ideas, principles and disciplines. (3) Technology: We don't concentrate on teaching particular technological skills, but we fully embrace and incorporate the future possibilities of technology within the profession. Things like 3D printing, augmented and virtual reality, self-assembly, biomimicry, neuroscience design, and many other cutting edge possibilities are rapidly and permanently changing what the profession will be. And we are preparing our students to be leaders in that future profession. (4) Leadership: We believe strongly in the importance of imparting to our students an understanding of the qualities and skills of leadership. We truly believe that as our world changes, and the architects' place in it shifts, we must lead our students to seek out new opportunities to lead in new ways. We have a unique opportunity to prepare our students to understand, thrive and lead in real ways in a new system in a new world. (5) Sustainability: Our biblical worldview calls us to be stewards of the creation that God has entrusted to us. We believe that thinking sustainably is part of thinking christianly. That's why we're integrating sustainability in every course we teach. (6) Design-Build: We incorporate a design-build element of varying scales and complexities into every design studio. Students need to understand how the things they design get built and how building assemblies really go together. (7) Service Learning: We deeply believe in service learning as a vital part of what we do and a reflection of who we are - giving our student every opportunity to use their skills and knowledge in the service of others. We want them to understand the real impact that architecture can and does make in people's lives. We are engaging in service learning opportunities both locally and internationally. This allows our students to lend their architectural expertise to built projects in the service of their neighborhoods and nations. (8) Connection to the Profession: We highly value professional involvement and connection for our students at every phase of their education. We have professionals teaching courses, reviewing projects and speaking in classes. We visit architecture offices and construction sites. We have architects near and far providing internships for our students. We have working architects providing extensive mentorship and scholarships for our students, helping shape and being involved in design projects, and being involved with us in service opportunities. We believe our students need to understand the profession as much as possible, to start to see not only how they will fit into it and the value of how their education is preparing them for it, but also to begin to understand the possibilities of contributing to the future of the profession. The academy and the profession can build this future together.

of Focus

1. Community Design
2. Industry Collaborations
3. Cross-Cultural Contexts > Human Experiences
4. Art & Design
5. Digital Design & Visualization
6. Digital Fabrication & Technology

Study Abroad
Large-format Printer
Laser Cutter
3D Printing
CNC Milling
Fabrication Lab

Transfer Policies

We are honored you are considering transferring to CBU to continue your education. At this point in your academic career, you may already have an idea of the major you want to pursue, or you may still be in the process of narrowing down your options and figuring out how to best use your gifts and talents. The Admissions Office is here to help you as you make your move to CBU and live your purpose.

Who Is Considered a Transfer Student?

To be considered a transfer student when you apply to CBU, you must have completed 24 or more units from a regionally accredited college or university. Don’t worry if you have not completed 24 college units yet, you can apply as a first-time freshmen and provide us transcripts from your college or university for credit evaluation.

Academic Scholarships for Transfer Students
– Transfer Gold
– Transfer Gold- $9,500 (3.5 GPA and above)
– Transfer Blue
– Transfer Blue- $7,500 (3.0-3.49 GPA)

In addition to these academic scholarships, CBU offers a variety of financial aid opportunities for students. Check them out here.

How will my units transfer to CBU?
Upon acceptance to the university, your transcripts will be officially evaluated by the Registrar’s office. Once completed, they will be sent to your admissions counselor who will notify you of the evaluation results. In the meantime, you can reference these helpful resources to better understand how your units may transfer to CBU.

If you have already selected a major to pursue at CBU, you can reference these Major Planning Guides which lay out the general education and degree requirements for each academic program.

You can reference CBU’s Transfer Policy for more information on how many units you can transfer and requirements required for graduation from CBU.
California Community College Transfer Students

CBU has Articulation Agreements with many local California community colleges, which outline courses and their transfer equivalencies at CBU.
Individuals transferring to CBU with an Associates Degree and either IGETC and CSU General Education Breadth Certification prior to transfer are waived from General Education requirements with the exception of the Biblical and Theological Core and English Composition (ENG 113 & 123) courses.
Students with an associate’s degree who have completed a CBU approved Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) prior to transferring are waived from General Education requirements, with the exception of the Biblical and Theological Core. For a full list of the approved pathways and which major equivalents CBU offers, click here: (https://calbaptist.edu/admissions/undergraduate/applying-cbu/ADT%20Info.docx)

Contact California Baptist University

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