University of Texas at San Antonio
Department of Architecture

Located in South Texas, San Antonio is a cultural gateway into the American Southwest.With a population of 1,328,984 as of the 2007 U.S. Census estimate, San Antonio is the second-largest city in the state of Texas, the seventh largest city in the United States, and the fourth fastest growing large city in the nation. With its major tourist attractions such as the Alamo, the River Walk, and HemisFair Park (home to the Institute of Texan Cultures and the Tower of Americas), and the various special events stationed around the city throughout the year, San Antonio provides an exceptional opportunity to experience the history, racial diversity, and multiple cultures that only this city can provide. The College of Architecture at UTSA, located within the downtown area of San Antonio, is a laboratory for the exploration of design in relationship to issues of place, culture, regionalism, historic preservation, professional practice, sustainable design, the urban environment, international community planning, and architecture of the southwest and Mexico. Because of its status as a historic urban center, the architecture and layout of San Antonio is traditionally urban. The program's size, location, and open curriculum provide a unique atmosphere opportunity for students to study with our highly varied faculty.
School Philosophy
Within its rich environment, the architecture program seeks to develop a synergistic relationship between the setting and the contemporary context of rapid technological change. Our graduates enter the realm of architecture in an age of wireless communications, globalization, and increasingly complex professional networks. The architecture program focuses on the threshold between the particulars of an historic setting and the universal ideas as exemplified by contemporary theory. We are committed to a holistic education which encompasses the mastery of a body of knowledge and a set of skills, as well as the honoring of a social contract to advance basic human values.

B.S. in Architecture This is a four-year pre-professional degree made up of design studios and course work, and provides students with the opportunity to continue studies in a professional graduate program, a Master of Architecture (M.Arch.). Completion of the B.S. in Architecture degree allows the graduate to pursue limited architectural practice but does not fully prepare the graduate for architectural licensure. B.S. in Construction Science and Management Designed to meet the accreditation requirements of the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE), this program combines courses in construction science, architecture and business to educate managers for the construction industry. The College of Architecture not only strives to maintain a close partnership with the construction industry to provide quality graduates who will be in great demand, but also offers students the opportunity to continue their studies in a graduate program. B.S. in Interior Design Accredited by the American Council for Interior Design Accreditation (CIDA, formerly FIDER), the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Interior Design is a four-year professional degree centered on a collaborative studio-based curriculum grounded in architectural design. The Master of Architecture degree program (M.Arch.) offered by the Department of Architecture at UTSA is NAAB-accredited and committed to providing students with a rich education for entry into the architecture profession. Graduate students are given the opportunity to pursue a Master's degree in Architecture (M.Arch.) or a Master of Science in Architecture (M.S. Arch.). The Master of Architecture degree is offered in two forms: the M.Arch. 2 Program, for students who have earned architectural degrees; and the M.Arch. 3 Program, for students with undergraduate degrees in fields other than architecture. The M.Arch. 2 program is designed for students who have earned architectural degrees (such as a B.A., B.S., or B.E.D.) and consists of studies focused on developing the next generation of critical practitioners. This studio-based professional program is normally two years (52 credits) in length and is completed via an independently- derived, research-informed design project. The M.Arch. 3 program, formerly known as Career Change Program, is designed for students with undergraduate degrees in fields other than architecture. This professional program includes one year of preparatory studies (39 credits) beginning in the summer, in preparation for the following two years (48 credits) of the Master of Architecture (M.Arch. 2) program sequence. These preparatory studies are required, as a condition of admission, to be completed in full. We encourage students from all disciplines to consider this program as a means for entering the profession of architecture. The Master of Science in Architecture (M.S. Arch.) program is a non-studio research program that prepares students for careers in research, teaching, consulting, and further graduate study. Areas of research include historic preservation, urban and regional planning, architectural history, sustainability in architecture, and health and wellness. The program stresses critical writing and research methods in architecture.

of Focus
1. Historic Preservation
2. Sustainability & High Performance Build Enviroments
3. Art & Design
4. Urbanism
5. Digital Fabrication & Technology
6. Design/Build
7. Community Design
8. Interior Design



Transfer Policies
We are excited about your interest in The University of Texas at San Antonio. If you are considering transferring to UTSA, you may visit the Admissions website: ( to find out about requirements and feel free to contact the admission counselor for your area. Other useful information regarding your future enrollment include transfer plans and a transfer equivalency table that allows you to view types of courses taken elsewhere to see how they transfer to UTSA.